This class is an amazing step in the development of your young child to grow their water confidence and basic swimming skills. The aim of the class is to develop confidence, floating, submerging skills & independent swimming in the water.
The ability to safely and confidently enter and exit the pool.
A willingness to confidently and independently submerge underwater.
Confidence to perform an assisted 5 second front float, rotating to a 5 second assisted back float and swims to wall.
Confidence to perform a 5 second front float, rotating to a 5 second back float and independently swims to wall.
The ability to independently push & glide in a streamline position, blowing bubbles.
The ability to perform a basic front streamline with strong kick, blowing bubbles.
The ability to confidently swim independently continuously, with basic breathing skills.
The ability to kick on back with correct body position independently.
The ability to return to the pool edge after falling off the wall and turning around, no assistance.