our program


Our Preschool Program develops independent swimming in a confident and safe environment. We aim to promote safety skills and develop swimming strokes through the preschool years, to give children the confidence and skills to love the aquatic environment.

Clownfish clownfish

Starfish starfish

Penguin penguin

This class is an amazing step in the development of your young child to grow their water confidence and basic swimming skills. The aim of the class is to develop confidence, floating, submerging skills & independent swimming in the water.


The ability to safely and confidently enter and exit the pool.

A willingness to confidently and independently submerge underwater.

Confidence to perform an assisted 5 second front float, rotating to a 5 second assisted back float and swims to wall.

Confidence to perform a 5 second front float, rotating to a 5 second back float and independently swims to wall.

The ability to independently push & glide in a streamline position, blowing bubbles.

The ability to perform a basic front streamline with strong kick, blowing bubbles.

The ability to confidently swim independently continuously, with basic breathing skills.

The ability to kick on back with correct body position independently.

The ability to return to the pool edge after falling off the wall and turning around, no assistance.

This class aims to develop the child’s independence and confidence. Children will begin to build the foundation of basic stroke development through developing a strong kick on both front and back and introducing an overarm Freestyle action. Children will also uncover a respect for the aquatic environment and learn safety skills.


The ability to safely and confidently enter and exit the pool.

The ability to safely and confidently enter and exit the pool.

Freestyle streamline with correct head, body and arm position with a continuous kick.

Freestyle coordination skills, strong kick with a coordinated straight arm freestyle action.

A basic, assisted breathing pattern, blowing bubbles, turn to side breathe in, blowing bubbles.

Independently kicking on back, with a strong kick and correct body position with arms by side.

The ability to independently push and glide on back with arms by side.

Independently swim, roll over float on back, roll over swim back to wall.

Confidence to submerge and swim underwater to collect an object from the pool floor.

This class is for children who are now very confident in the water. The class aims to encourage the formal development of Freestyle and Backstroke with correct technique and continues to create a stroke foundation. Children will continue to develop safety skills.


Freestyle streamline with correct head, body and arm position with a continuous kick.

The body rotation and coordination of freestyle breathing skills.

Freestyle independently, with a basic bilateral breathing pattern.

8m Freestyle independently, with correct technique and bilateral breathing pattern.

The ability to independently kick in a streamline position on their back with correct body position and effective kick.

Correct arm position and timing of backstroke arm action.

Independently swim backstroke with a strong kick, correct body position and smooth arm action.

Can confidently swim underwater to an object for retrieval.

Freestyle and roll to back to float, breathe, recover and then continue freestyle. Important safety skill.

swim assessment


our classes